Log in

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    Verze z 3. 5. 2024, 11:12, kterou vytvořil Mlynek (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „To log in to the customer portal, fill in the login details you received in the registration email and proceed by clicking on '''Sign In'''. After the first login, the user must change their password. If the login details are entered correctly, the homepage of the METRANS customer portal will be displayed. If the login details are repeatedly entered incorrectly, the account will be blocked. It can be unblocked by the IT support of METRANS company.“)
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    Jiné jazyky:

    To log in to the customer portal, fill in the login details you received in the registration email and proceed by clicking on Sign In. After the first login, the user must change their password. If the login details are entered correctly, the homepage of the METRANS customer portal will be displayed. If the login details are repeatedly entered incorrectly, the account will be blocked. It can be unblocked by the IT support of METRANS company.

    Form login.png