Stav objednávky/en: Porovnání verzí

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    (založena nová stránka s textem „===== Partially Planned ===== The order is partially scheduled for transportation. This applies to orders with multiple containers, where some of the containers may have already been planned, while the rest are still awaiting scheduling.“)
    (Stránka aktualizována, aby odpovídala nové verzi zdrojové stránky)
    Řádek 23: Řádek 23:
    The order is partially scheduled for transportation. This applies to orders with multiple containers, where some of the containers may have already been planned, while the rest are still awaiting scheduling.
    The order is partially scheduled for transportation. This applies to orders with multiple containers, where some of the containers may have already been planned, while the rest are still awaiting scheduling.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    ===== Planned =====
    ===== Naplánovaná =====
    The order is fully scheduled for transportation.  
    Objednávka je kompletně naplánována na přepravní prostředky.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">

    Verze z 23. 10. 2024, 11:50

    Jiné jazyky:

    During the order entry process and after its submission, its status is continuously updated. You can find the status in the List of Orders.

    Order status 01.png

    Below are described the individual states of the order:

    Work in Progress

    You have the order saved under your account, and you can edit it entirely and complete it by submitting it to METRANS. The order in progress can be saved with errors. The order cannot be canceled, but you can delete it using the trash can icon action Imagetrash.png.


    The order has been sent to METRANS customer service. After submitting the order, no changes or modifications can be made to it. You can preview the order using the action icon Imagejjghm.png.

    Being Processed

    The customer service conducts a review of the submitted data and subsequently evaluates whether it is possible to accept the order.

    Accepted by METRANS

    Your order has been successfully processed by METRANS customer service.

    Partially Planned

    The order is partially scheduled for transportation. This applies to orders with multiple containers, where some of the containers may have already been planned, while the rest are still awaiting scheduling.


    The order is fully scheduled for transportation.

    Částečně v přepravě

    Objednávka je zčásti již v přepravním procesu. To znamená, že některé kontejnery byly odeslány a jsou na cestě, zatímco zbývající část objednávky ještě čeká na odeslání nebo na zahájení přepravy.

    Přeprava začala

    Všechny kontejnery v objednávce jsou nyní naloženy a přepravovány na přepravním prostředku. Celá zásilka je v pohybu směrem k cílové destinaci a žádná část objednávky již nečeká na odeslání.

    Částečně realizováno

    Některé kontejnery z objednávky již byly úspěšně doručeny do cílové destinace, zatímco zbývající část zásilky je stále v přepravním procesu a zatím nebyla doručena.


    Celá objednávka byla úspěšně dokončena. Všechny kontejnery byly doručeny do cílové destinace a proces přepravy je plně uzavřen.

    Refused by METRANS

    The order has been rejected by METRANS customer service.


    You can cancel your order using the trash can icon action Imagetrash.png, and the information is transmitted to METRANS customer service. If the order has not yet been accepted by our customer service, you can also cancel the order. The order can only be viewed in read-only mode and cannot be edited or restored.