Translations:Transportní řetězec/132/en

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    • Other Customs Agency issues subsequent T1 - a third party will arrange the issuance of the subsequent transit document.
    • Other Customs Agency - original T1 not to be closed – the T1 document for the journey to the METRANS terminal is not closed by METRANS but by a third party (which subsequently arranges customs clearance/issuance of another T1 document).Clearance in Port - The containers are already cleared at the takeover terminal, and METRANS takes over the containers for rail transport already released into free circulation.

    EU Goods Containers in free circulation, no customs duties are paid. It is necessary to specify and select with the switch which of the following options applies:

    • EU product without T2L - if the container is not accompanied by a T2L document. This concerns goods from the EU without crossing international waters. When choosing the customs procedure for EU goods, this option is automatically selected (modifiable).