Translations:Transportní řetězec EX/111/en

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    Verze z 21. 5. 2024, 14:01, kterou vytvořil Mlynek (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „Soubor:Container_will_be_handed_over_to_23.jpg<blockquote>'''Ship''' - the container will depart from the handover point by ship. It is also necessary to fill in the fields for Vessel Name, ETS, Closing, Transshipment Port, and Destination Port. *''Ship Name'' - select the vessel. If the vessel is not in the list, contact METRANS customer service. The field contains a drop-down function. *''ETS'' - expected […“)
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    Container will be handed over to 23.jpg

    Ship - the container will depart from the handover point by ship. It is also necessary to fill in the fields for Vessel Name, ETS, Closing, Transshipment Port, and Destination Port.

    • Ship Name - select the vessel. If the vessel is not in the list, contact METRANS customer service. The field contains a drop-down function.
    • ETS - expected departure date of the vessel from the port. The date must be older than or equal to the closing date.
    • Closing date - date for the latest delivery of the container to the port for the given ship. The date must be younger than or equal to ETS.
    • Closing time - specifying the time for vessel closing.
    • Earliest Arrival Date - define when the container can be delivered to the terminal at the earliest. This is non-binding and optional information. The date must be before ETS and closing.
    • Transhipment port specify the transhipment port of the vessel on the way to the destination port. Required for the port of Bremerhaven/Koper when the BHT/TCC Request option is enabled.
    • Destination port define the destination port of the vessel. Required when the Z / BHT / TCC option is enabled.

    Truck - the container will be handed over at the selected terminal for pickup by a truck. The fields for Vessel Name, Closing, ETS, Transshipment Port, and Destination Port become inactive.