Translations:Transportní řetězec EX/23/en

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    Verze z 21. 5. 2024, 12:26, kterou vytvořil Mlynek (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „'''Trucking from this terminal''' – by selecting the transit terminal and checking this box, container delivery by truck will be carried out from this terminal (note: it may not be the cheapest option for the given transport). </blockquote>19x19pixelů '''Cleaning station''' <blockquote>'''Cleaning station''' - it is necessary to select from the prepared list. The field contains a […“)
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    Trucking from this terminal – by selecting the transit terminal and checking this box, container delivery by truck will be carried out from this terminal (note: it may not be the cheapest option for the given transport).

    Image0072.png Cleaning station

    Cleaning station - it is necessary to select from the prepared list. The field contains a drop-down function.