Translations:Dlaždicový systém/5/en

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    Verze z 3. 5. 2024, 09:28, kterou vytvořil Mlynek (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „To remove a specific tile, simply hover over the tile with your mouse and wait for 2 seconds. In the top right corner of the tile, a button "'''-'''" will appear, which allows you to remove the tile. This allows you to remove tiles that are not part of the default layout of the page.“)
    (rozdíl) ← Starší verze | zobrazit aktuální verzi (rozdíl) | Novější verze → (rozdíl)

    To remove a specific tile, simply hover over the tile with your mouse and wait for 2 seconds. In the top right corner of the tile, a button "-" will appear, which allows you to remove the tile. This allows you to remove tiles that are not part of the default layout of the page.