Function description
Displaying order, item, or record details. The detail is opened in read-only mode.
Displaying order, item, or record details. The detail is opened in edit mode.
Deleting an order, item, or record.
Bulk deletion of containers, items, or records. It is necessary to first select the respective containers/items/records using the checkbox.
Unchecked checkbox. It can also be in a disabled state, in which case it cannot be checked.
Checked checkbox..
Adding an order, item, or record.
Closing the currently displayed page, record, or popup window.
Simple data export from the table and saving it in the selected format.
User settings for table columns. It is possible to add or remove columns. It is also possible to revert column settings to the default configuration.
Data filtering in the table - the filter is inactive.
Data filtering in the table - the filter is active and filters the desired value.
Sorting values in the table column is inactive.
Sorting values in the table column is active. Sorted chronologically from A to Z.
Sorting values in the table column is active. Sorted chronologically from Z to A.
Selecting from a list of contacts. It opens Smartfilter with a click.
Active switch in the Off / NO position
Active switch in the On / YES position
Inactive switch in the Off / NO position
Inactive switch in the On / YES position
Initiating the Date-time picker function
Indication for the possibility to use the drag and drop function]
Moving the section / item down one row.
Moving the section / item up one row.
Copying filled data from a specific item to another item.