Translations:Drop-down/4/en: Porovnání verzí

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    (založena nová stránka s textem „== Description of the Function == The '''''Drop-down''''' function is most commonly used in the application within individual form fields for selecting from a predefined list of values. You can recognize it by the arrow on the right side of the field. Clicking on the arrow will expand the list of values in alphabetical order.“)
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    Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
    == Description of the Function ==
    == Description of the Function ==
    The '''''Drop-down''''' function is most commonly used in the application within individual form fields for selecting from a predefined list of values. You can recognize it by the arrow on the right side of the field. Clicking on the arrow will expand the list of values in alphabetical order.
    The '''Drop-down''' function is most commonly used in the application within individual form fields for selecting from a predefined list of values. You can recognize it by the arrow on the right side of the field. Clicking on the arrow will expand the list of values in alphabetical order.

    Aktuální verze z 2. 5. 2024, 10:21

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    Zdroj zprávy (Drop-down)
    == Popis funkce ==
    Funkce '''''Drop-down''''' je v aplikaci nejčastěji používána v jednotlivých polích formulářů pro výběr z předem určeného seznamu hodnot. Poznáte jej dle šipky v pravé části pole. Po kliknutí na šipku se rozbalí seznam hodnot v abecedním pořadí.

    Description of the Function

    The Drop-down function is most commonly used in the application within individual form fields for selecting from a predefined list of values. You can recognize it by the arrow on the right side of the field. Clicking on the arrow will expand the list of values in alphabetical order.