Přehled objednávky/en: Porovnání verzí

    Z Metrans Customer Wiki
    (založena nová stránka s textem „'''Consignee''' - the exact name of the recipient of the goods according to the commercial invoice. If the shipment is an LCL or a proxy shipment of personal clothing, select the entity representing the consignee. In the case of unrepresented transport of personal uppers, enter the full name of the owner.“)
    (založena nová stránka s textem „'''Services information''' - the field displays the ordered services. If you click on the action icon 24x24pixels next to a specific container, you will be redirected to the [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Slu%C5%BEby Services] section. The page will be rolled up to the container of your choice.“)
    Řádek 7: Řádek 7:

    At the top of the Order Overview tab are the read fields that were filled in on the [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hlavi%C4%8Dka_a_kontejnery Hlavička a kontejnery.]
    At the top of the Order overview tab are the read fields that were filled in on the [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hlavi%C4%8Dka_a_kontejnery Header and containers.]

    <br>'''Customer'''' - the customer of the transport (automatically filled in by the company based on your registration).
    '''Customer''' - the ordering party of the transport (automatically filled in based on your registration).

    '''Payer'''' - the entity responsible for payment of the invoice for the transport performed. The field contains the function [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Drop-down drop-down]. If the user's account has multiple payers paired, there is a choice from the lis
    '''Payer''' - the entity responsible for payment of the invoice for the transport performed. The field contains the function [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Drop-down drop-down]. If the user's account has multiple payers paired, there is a choice from the list.

    '''Customer Reference'''' - the internal customer number that will be displayed on the invoice issued by Metrans.
    '''Ordering Party reference''' - the internal customer number that will be displayed on the invoice issued by Metrans.

    '''Consignee''' - the exact name of the recipient of the goods according to the commercial invoice. If the shipment is an LCL or a proxy shipment of personal clothing, select the entity representing the consignee. In the case of unrepresented transport of personal uppers, enter the full name of the owner.
    '''Consignee''' - the exact name of the recipient of the goods according to the commercial invoice. If the shipment is an LCL or a transport of personal effects on behalf, select the entity representing the consignee(s). In the case of unrepresented transport of personal effects, enter the full name of the owner.

    '''References of the involved freight forwarder''' - internal references of the involved third party.
    '''Involved Party reference''' - internal references of the involved third party.

    '''Poznámka pro zákaznický servis''' - můžete vyplnit/upravit dodatečné informace pro zpracovatele na ZS Metrans. Lze vyplnit maximálně 250 znaků.
    '''Note for Customer Service''' - you can fill in additional informations for the Metrans customer service. A maximum of 250 characters can be filled in.
    V druhé sekci karty Přehled objednávky se nachází následující pole pro čtení s informacemi, které byly v průběhu zadávání objednávky vloženy. Dále zde jsou aktivní pole pro definování [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Date-time_picker data] a času vykládky, Turn-in referencí a referencí vykládky pro jednotlivé kontejnery.
    '''Pořadí''' – zobrazuje pořadí kontejneru v dané objednávce.

    '''Container Type'''' - The selected container type from [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hlavi%C4%8Dka_a_kontejnery Header and Containers.] You must return to the section to change it.

    '''Genset'''' - Generator Set - a hanging device for tempering the container during transport. Can only be selected for specific container types ('''rf''' - Refrigerated, '''rh'''' - Refrigerated high-cube). Check to inform Metrans ZS of the equipment installed on the container.

    '''Container number'''' - the container number is validated to a number of characters. It must contain four letters and seven digits. The same container number cannot be repeated in the order.
    In the second section of the Order overview tab, there are read only fields with the informations that were entered during the order entry process. There are also active fields for defining date and time of delivery to unloading place, Turn-in referenc and unloading reference for each container.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Číslo plomby''' – čísla plomb zavěšených na kontejneru. Aplikace kontroluje jedinečnost zapsané plomby v objednávce. Jednotlivé plomby je potřeba oddělit středníkem nebo čárkou.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Release reference''' (PIN) – reference pro vyzvednutí kontejneru na terminálu.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Order''' - shows the order of the containers in the order.
    '''Fakturační reference''' – dodatečná reference na vystavené faktuře plátci. Na faktuře bude současně uvedena i reference objednavatele.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Container Type'''' - The selected container type from [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hlavi%C4%8Dka_a_kontejnery Header and Containers.] You must return there for change.
    '''Reference objednavatele''' – interní reference objednavatele přenesená z hlavičky objednávky. Pro každý kontejner lze uvést jinou referenci. Pokud se reference liší, v hlavičce se zobrazí [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hodnota_MIX hodnota MIX].

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Genset''' - Generator Set - a hanging device for tempering the container during transport. Can only be selected for specific container types ('''rf''' - Refrigerated, '''rh''' - Refrigerated high-cube). Check to inform Metrans CS of the equipment installed on the container.
    '''Příjemce''' '''zboží''' - název příjemce zboží dle obchodní faktury přenesený z hlavičky objednávky. Pro každý kontejner lze uvést jiného příjemce. Pokud se reference liší, v hlavičce se zobrazí [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hodnota_MIX hodnota MIX].

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Container number''' - the container number is validated to a number of characters. It must contain four letters and seven digits. The same container number cannot be repeated in the order.
    '''B/L číslo''' – číslo námořního konosamentu vydaného rejdařem. Podmíněně vyžadováno pro přepravu via přístavy Rotterdam, Koper, Terst.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Seal number''' - the numbers of the seals hanging on the container. The application checks the uniqueness of the seal written in the order. Individual seals need to be separated by semicolon or comma.
    '''Turn-in''' '''reference''' - reference pro odevzdání prázdného kontejneru.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Release reference''' (PIN) - reference for picking up the container at the terminal.  
    '''Datum dodání''' - definujte [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Date-time_picker datum] vykládky (formát dd.mm.rrrr).

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Billing reference''' - an additional reference on the invoice issued to the payer. The invoice will also include the customer's reference.
    '''Čas dodání -''' definujte čas první zastávky tahače (formát hh:mm).

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Ordering Party Reference'''' - internal customer reference transferred from the section Header and containers. A different reference can be given for each container. If the references are different, the header will display [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hodnota_MIX MIX value].
    '''Reference vykládky -''' reference pro vyložení kontejneru v místě vykládky.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Consignee''' - the name of the recipient of the goods according to the commercial invoice transferred from the order header. A different consignee can be specified for each container. If the references are different, the header will display [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Hodnota_MIX MIX value].
    '''Transportní řetězec -''' pole zobrazuje [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Transportn%C3%AD_%C5%99et%C4%9Bzec#M%C3%ADsto_p%C5%99evzet%C3%AD_kontejneru Místo převzetí kontejneru] → [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Transportn%C3%AD_%C5%99et%C4%9Bzec#M%C3%ADsto_vykl%C3%A1dky Místo vykládky kontejneru]. Při kliknutí na akční ikonu [[Soubor:Image985.png|24x24pixelů]] u konkrétního kontejneru budete přesměrováni do sekce [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Transportn%C3%AD_%C5%99et%C4%9Bzec#top-page Transportní řetězec] Vámi vybraného kontejneru.

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''B/L number''' - the number of the bill of lading issued by the shipowner. Conditionally required for carriage via the ports of Rotterdam, Koper, Trieste.
    '''Informace o zboží -''' pole zobrazuje součet váhy jednotlivých položek zboží a jejich kusů pro daný kontejner. Při kliknutí na akční ikonu [[Soubor:Image985.png|24x24pixelů]]budete přesměrováni do sekce [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Zbo%C5%BE%C3%AD Zboží].

    <div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    '''Turn-in''' '''reference''' - reference for handing over an empty container.
    '''Vybrané služby''' - pole zobrazuje objednané služby. Při kliknutí na akční ikonu [[Soubor:Image985.png|24x24pixelů]] u konkrétního kontejneru budete přesměrováni do sekce [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Slu%C5%BEby Služby]. Stránka bude zarolována na Vámi vybraný kontejner.
    '''Delivery date''' - define [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Date-time_picker date] of unloading (format dd.mm.yyyy).
    '''Delivery time -''' define the time of the first stop of the truck (format hh:mm).
    '''Unloading code-''' the reference for unloading the container at the unloading point.
    '''Container transport''' - field displays [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Transportn%C3%AD_%C5%99et%C4%9Bzec#M%C3%ADsto_p%C5%99evzet%C3%AD_kontejneru Container pick-up location] → [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Transportn%C3%AD_%C5%99et%C4%9Bzec#M%C3%ADsto_vykl%C3%A1dky Container drop-off location]. When you click on the action icon [[Soubor:Image985.png|24x24pixels]] next to a specific container, you will be redirected to the [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Transportn%C3%AD_%C5%99et%C4%9Bzec#top-page Transport Chain] section of the container you selected.
    '''Goods informaton''' - field displays the sum of the weights of the individual items and their pieces for a given container. If you click on the action icon [[File:Image985.png|24x24pixels]]you will be redirected to the [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Zbo%C5%BE%C3%AD Goods] section.
    '''Services information''' - the field displays the ordered services. If you click on the action icon [[File:Image985.png|24x24pixels]] next to a specific container, you will be redirected to the [https://helpcp.metrans.eu/index.php/Slu%C5%BEby Services] section. The page will be rolled up to the container of your choice.

    Verze z 20. 9. 2023, 07:49

    Jiné jazyky:

    The order overview is used to recapitulate and check the entered data. This tab can also be used to submit the order to Metrans.

    At the top of the Order overview tab are the read fields that were filled in on the Header and containers.

    Customer - the ordering party of the transport (automatically filled in based on your registration).

    Payer - the entity responsible for payment of the invoice for the transport performed. The field contains the function drop-down. If the user's account has multiple payers paired, there is a choice from the list.

    Ordering Party reference - the internal customer number that will be displayed on the invoice issued by Metrans.

    Consignee - the exact name of the recipient of the goods according to the commercial invoice. If the shipment is an LCL or a transport of personal effects on behalf, select the entity representing the consignee(s). In the case of unrepresented transport of personal effects, enter the full name of the owner.

    Involved Party reference - internal references of the involved third party.

    Note for Customer Service - you can fill in additional informations for the Metrans customer service. A maximum of 250 characters can be filled in.

    In the second section of the Order overview tab, there are read only fields with the informations that were entered during the order entry process. There are also active fields for defining date and time of delivery to unloading place, Turn-in referenc and unloading reference for each container.

    Order - shows the order of the containers in the order.

    Container Type' - The selected container type from Header and Containers. You must return there for change.

    Genset - Generator Set - a hanging device for tempering the container during transport. Can only be selected for specific container types (rf - Refrigerated, rh - Refrigerated high-cube). Check to inform Metrans CS of the equipment installed on the container.

    Container number - the container number is validated to a number of characters. It must contain four letters and seven digits. The same container number cannot be repeated in the order.

    Seal number - the numbers of the seals hanging on the container. The application checks the uniqueness of the seal written in the order. Individual seals need to be separated by semicolon or comma.

    Release reference (PIN) - reference for picking up the container at the terminal.

    Billing reference - an additional reference on the invoice issued to the payer. The invoice will also include the customer's reference.

    Ordering Party Reference' - internal customer reference transferred from the section Header and containers. A different reference can be given for each container. If the references are different, the header will display MIX value.

    Consignee - the name of the recipient of the goods according to the commercial invoice transferred from the order header. A different consignee can be specified for each container. If the references are different, the header will display MIX value.

    B/L number - the number of the bill of lading issued by the shipowner. Conditionally required for carriage via the ports of Rotterdam, Koper, Trieste.

    Turn-in reference - reference for handing over an empty container.

    Delivery date - define date of unloading (format dd.mm.yyyy).

    Delivery time - define the time of the first stop of the truck (format hh:mm).

    Unloading code- the reference for unloading the container at the unloading point.

    Container transport - field displays Container pick-up locationContainer drop-off location. When you click on the action icon 24x24pixels next to a specific container, you will be redirected to the Transport Chain section of the container you selected.

    Goods informaton - field displays the sum of the weights of the individual items and their pieces for a given container. If you click on the action icon 24x24pixelsyou will be redirected to the Goods section.

    Services information - the field displays the ordered services. If you click on the action icon 24x24pixels next to a specific container, you will be redirected to the Services section. The page will be rolled up to the container of your choice.

    Sending an order

    After checking all the details and provided the order does not contain errors preventing shipment, you can use the 75x75pixels button to complete the order and send it to Metrans. You will be notified when submitting that the order cannot be edited after this action.